Codefresh GitOps Certification Course

The GitOps course certification is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to become proficient in GitOps and take their software development and operations to the next level.

In my design work for the GitOps course certification, I emphasized creating visually attractive certificates and badges that students can proudly display on their social media accounts or print out to showcase their accomplishment.

In addition, I also created social graphics, email headers, and ads, promoting the certification course, which has been successfully used by over 20,000 students and counting. Hundreds of satisfied individuals who have taken the course have shared their achievements on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Design Process:

Following the success of the initial launch of the GitOps Fundamentals course, the second level of the course was released eight months later. As my team geared up for this launch, they also requested a fresh and updated look for the certificates and badges. Our marketing website had recently undergone a revamp, therefore, many of the new website elements such as the colors and waves, can be found in the iterated versions. Take a peek below 👇.


KubeCon Conference


Company Swag